
Simmons Local Consumer Insights (formerly SimmonsLOCAL) reports on the geographic nuances of all of America’s 210 media markets.

It provides purchasing info on 8,000+ brands and 600+ attitudinal, psychographic, and segmentation measures. Data coverage: 2013-2019.


This data is located in the SimplyAnalytics database.

  • Click the connect button at the right to access SimplyAnalytics.
  • Create a SimplyAnalytics account using your Duke email address to save your work.
  • Select “Browse by DataSet > Simmons > SimmonsLOCAL US” from the BROWSE BY: menu at the left after logging into the site.


Tip: Don't use your Duke Net ID and password at the SimplyAnalytics site.

Data Overview
Survey Methodology
Variable List (secure page)