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- ABI/INFORM Complete
- business news, scholarly and industry / trade publication articles.
- Academic OneFile
- A collection of peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources, with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, and other subjects. The database also contains podcasts and transcripts. Includes full-text coverage of the print New York Times back to 1995.
- Amadeus contains comprehensive information on around 21 million companies across Europe, with a focus on private companies. Data includes company financials, financial strength indicators, ownership data, detailed corporate structures, and stock prices.
- American Energy Society - Member Portal
- The American Energy Society Member Portal provides non-partisan energy news, insights, reports and data. AES represents over 135,000 energy professionals in every field and sector in academia, national laboratories, government, and industry in the United States and internationally. Selected content under the Services menu of the Member Portal includes: energy ecosystem maps, and both internally and externally sourced datasets covering carbon capture and industrial/manufacturing energy efficiency.
- Audit Analytics via WRDS
- Audit Analytics provides detailed research on over 150,000 active audits and more than 10,000 accounting firms. Duke is subscribed to the Corporate & Legal and Audit & Compliance modules of Audit Analytics -- an integrated collection of data sets focused on financial actions, disclosures and correspondence by companies, advisors, regulators and investors.
- BCC Market Research
- BCC's market research reports explore major economic, scientific, and technological developments in industrial, pharmaceutical, and high technology organizations. Duke currently subscribes to all report categories. Select a topic under the "My Categories" section after connecting to browse reports.
- Bizminer
- Provides industry financial analysis benchmarks and industry market trends. Industry Financial Reports analyze 5,500 lines of business and up to a dozen sales classes at US, state and metro levels. Industry market reports cover 9,000 business segments in market areas as small as a single zip code or as large as the US.
- Bloomberg Professional
- A market-leading, in-depth financial and news information system. Bloomberg access is onsite at Ford Library and Duke's Bostock Library.
Note that only selected Bloomberg content is available to academic subscribers; e.g. we cannot provide access to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. - Bloomberg News
- Individual user accounts provide access to Bloomberg's news analysis covering markets, economics, industries, tech news, & politics as well as online access to Bloomberg Businessweek. Note that this service is not the Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login that provides Bloomberg Terminal access. We regret that remote access to the BB terminal is not provided for academic subscribers.
- Blue Chip Financial Forecasts Archival Data Only
- Provides forecasts by major US banks and investment research firms for the future direction and level of U.S. interest rates. Forecasts cover each of the next six quarters for the Fed Funds Rate, Prime Rate, 3-month LIBOR and many other variables. This is a static data set (no updates available) covering the period from January 2001 - June 2018.
- BoardEx - North America via WRDS
- BoardEx contains information on 1.7 million corporate executives and board members from over 2.2 million organizations. Biographical data includes details such as age, gender, positions held, educational qualifications, compensation and stock holdings, as well as insights into the executive's professional network.
- Business Expert Press E-Books (via iG Publishing)
- Business Expert Press's Digital Libraries contains e-books covering: supply and operations management, international business, social media, finance, accounting, public relations, and marketing strategy. Our holdings contain titles published between 2010-2023.
- Business Source Complete
- full text access to articles on management, finance, economics, industry, accounting, and international business from popular business magazines, scholarly journals, and trade publications.
1st entry databases see to dee Top | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-R | S-T | V-Z | Search More
- Calcbench
- Calcbench is a financial data platform designed for detailed company financials and fundamental research on over 12,000 listed public companies. Calcbench pulls data via XBRL from the SEC's corporate financial repository to provide researchers with as-filed data, in line-item detail from the financials and footnotes of every 10-K, 10-Q, Earnings Releases, proxy statements, 8-Ks, and SEC comment letters.
- Capital IQ
- See S&P Capital IQ
- Compustat (North America) via WRDS
- provides the annual and quarterly Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows, and supplemental data items on most publicly held North American companies.
- Compustat Global via WRDS
- provides financial data covering publicly traded companies in more than 80 countries, representing over 90% of the world's market capitalization.
- CoreLogic Real Estate Loan Data Archival Data Only
- CoreLogic Real Estate Loan Data at Duke is composed of 3 separate data sets. LLMA (Loan Level Market Analytics), SLA (Supplementary Loan Analytics) and NARMBS (Non-Agency Residential Market Backed Securities). LLMA and SLA data are available from 2000 - 2019; and all historical loan NARMBS data is available through 2019. This is a static data set (no updates available).
- Corporate Governance via SDC Platinum in LSEG Workspace
- Includes Poison Pill and Shareholder Activism data modules. Login to Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar, click “New Session” on the left menu. Then select the Corporate Governance option.
- Corporate Restructurings / Bankruptcies via LSEG Workspace
- Login to Workspace and enter “ADVEV” - Advanced Events - in the app search bar and press Enter. From the menu on the left, enter Bankruptcy in the Event Type search box and apply other search parameters as needed.
- CRSP Mutual Funds via WRDS
- provides historical and current mutual fund NAVs, profiles, monthly asset data, and data on "dead" funds.
- CRSP + Compustat Merged File via WRDS
- time series data for security prices, returns, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq. The Merged file includes detailed income statement and balance sheet data from Compustat.
- Data Axle (fka Reference USA)
Getting redirect errors? Enable VPN & use this link. - Contains detailed information, including addresses and phone numbers, on more than 59 million U.S. businesses, 158 million U.S. residents, 1.2 million U.S. health care providers, and 310 million U.S. Consumers.
- DataStream via Refinitiv Workspace
- Refinitiv Workspace (RWS) contains data formerly delivered through the DataStream Advance client software including macroeconomic data, equities data, and commodities and futures data. New users should select the appropriate DataStream Add-On when self-registering. View a detailed guide.
1st entry databases e 2 f Top | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-R | S-T | V-Z | Search More
- EconLit with Full Text
- an index to articles in economics, including economic history, economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance, production, and more.
- The
- The for Duke offers full text and full image access to the entire current print edition of The Economist Magazine, the print archive, plus additional web content not available in the print magazine - updated daily.
- Entrepreneurship Database
- Contains reports, articles, and video clips related to business and entrepreneurship.
- Entrepreneurial Studies Source
- A full text database that provides insights into entrepreneurship and small business ownership, including full-text journals and books, plus company profiles and videos.
- Text & data mining prohibited by license
- Factiva provides full text access to Dow Jones and Reuters Newswires, The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, other Dow Jones publications, and extensive newspaper & journal coverage.
- FactSet Web
- A web-accessible version of the FactSet Workstation software providing access to comprehensive news, data, and analytics on global financial markets, economics, companies and industries.
- Finaeon - fka Global Financial Data
- a collection of financial and economic data provided in ASCII or Excel format. Data includes: long-term historical indices on stock markets; Total Return data on stocks, bonds, and bills; interest rates; exchange rates; inflation rates; bond indices; commodity indices and prices; consumer price indices; and more. Users must create their own Academic accounts. Click the “Register” option at the page top to sign up.
- Firsthand Career Resources
- see Career Intelligence
- Forrester Research Text & data mining prohibited by license
- Contains market research reports and data for the online economy with a focus on the impact of IT developments on businesses and consumers.
- Foundation Directory Online
- The directory contains information about the largest public and private foundations in the U.S. and links to foundation web sites. This edition includes full text access from more than 250,000 IRS 990 forms, 80,000 detailed funder profiles, half a million recently awarded grants, RFPs, key staff affiliations, publications, news and job postings.
- Freedonia Market Research
- Available via Academic. Select “Advanced Search” and search ‘Freedonia’ in the Publisher field.
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- Global Consumer Survey - Statista
- The Global Consumer Survey module within Statista is based on a global survey of consumers about purchase behavior, media usage and brands. The survey provides data from more than 120,000 consumers, 28 countries, over 50 industries, and over 1400 brands.
- globalEDGE
- Created by the International Business Center and the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University (IBC), globalEDGE™ is a text and data portal that provides reports and data to support international business ventures and research. It is searchable by country, trade bloc, classification, industry, & state; and notably provides data on global market potential (MPI) and access to an aggregated database of international business statistics (DIBS).
- Global Financial Data
- See Finaeon
- Global New Issues - via SDC Platinum in LSEG Workspace
- Provides global coverage of equity, bond, and loan new issues. Login to Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar, click “New Session” on the left menu. The Global New Issues option will be selected by default.
- Guidestar - Nonprofit Financial Data
- covers 1.8 million IRS-recognized U.S. nonprofit organizations. Enables users to find a charity, benchmark a nonprofit's performance, research a particular nonprofit sector, and more. Login and registration on the Guidestar site is not required for Duke user access; but you must create a personal Guidestar account to download data in PDF and CSV formats.
- Haver Analytics
- Haver Analytics is an industry and economics data portal that provides access to specific data sets via a web interface (HaverView) or installed software (Haver Analytics DLXVG3). Duke's subscription includes data sets from the National Association of Realtors, Ward's Automotive, global energy statistics, and more.
- Health Source Consumer
- Includes searchable full text for over 150 consumer health journals, abstracts and indexing for nearly 175 general health, nutrition and professional health care publications, and more.
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- I/B/E/S via WRDS
- The Institutional Brokers Estimates System provides consensus and detail forecasts from security analysts, including earnings per share, revenue, cash flow, long-term growth projections and stock recommendations.
- IBISWorld
- Provides an extensive collection of industry market research and industry risk ratings on U.S. industries. Reports focus on industry performance, outlook, products & markets, competitive landscape, major companies, operating conditions, and key statistics. Duke's subscribed content includes: Core NAICS US Industry Market Research Reports, iExpert Summary Reports, US Specialized Super Niche Industry Reports (Current & Future), China Industry Reports, and the Industry Wizard.
- IEA Statistics
- Provides access to the International Energy Agency (IEA) statistics packages including: World Energy Statistics, Natural Gas Information, Renewables Information, Energy Prices, Energy policies of OECD countries, and many more.
- IMF e-Library
- contains IMF Statistical Databases with International Financial Statistics (IFS), Government Finance Statistics (GFS), Balance of Payments (BOPS), and Direction of Trade (DOTS)
- ImpactAlpha
- ImpactAlpha is a business journalism site focusing on corporate social and environmental value. Their news, articles, and information concentrate on impact investing, sustainable finance, ESG and entrepreneurship. Available content: ImpactAlpha’s daily email newsletter, The Brief, which lists job opportunities in the Agents of Impact section; as well as access to special reports, a deal database and articles archived by sector, stage, and geography.
- InfoGroup U.S. Historical Business Data via WRDS
- Provides a calendar year-end snapshot of local business data. It contains business identification, location, industry, corporation hierarchy, employment, sales, and other fields. Current coverage: 1997 - 2023. Select “InfoGroup” after connecting to WRDS.
- Infrastructure fka Global Public Finance - via SDC Platinum in LSEG Workspace
- Includes modules for Project Finance, Belt & Road Initiatives, and MENA Projects. Login to Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar, click “New Session” on the left menu. Then select the Infrastructure option.
- Intelligize
- Intelligize collects and integrates detailed SEC filings information along with related legal documents, regulatory, and corporate governance materials. Also included are firm memos, M&A, and Exempt Offering information. Due to cost constraints, Intelligize is only available to Fuqua students, faculty, and staff.
- Interstride
- A one-stop-shop that empowers Duke students and alumni seeking both US and international employment by providing information on career opportunities, networking and mentorship, visa and immigration support, and much more.
- ISS Directors Data - US via WRDS
- Covers the universe of S&P1500 companies and includes a range of variables related to individual board directors (e.g., name, age, tenure, gender, committee memberships, independence classification, primary employer and title, number of other public company boards serving on, shares owned, etc.). Includes 2 modules: (1) Directors US 2007-2023; (2) Directors US Legacy 1996-2006. Access instructions: after connecting to WRDS, select the Data Dashboard option and apply the Category > Marketplace filter. Then choose the ISS ESG data set and scroll down to Directors US.
- ISS Governance Data via WRDS
- Provides data on classic takeover defense and other corporate governance provisions, including: classified boards, cumulative voting, golden parachutes, poison pills, state takeover laws. Includes 2 modules: (1) Governance 2007-2023; (2) Governance Legacy 1990-2006. Access instructions: after connecting to WRDS, select the Data Dashboard option and apply the Category > Marketplace filter. Then choose the ISS ESG data set and scroll down to Governance.
- ISS Voting Analytics via WRDS
- Contains US Company Vote Results for all governance shareholder proposals and all non-routine management proposals for Russell 3000 companies from 2003 to date, Shareholder Proposals for Russell 3000 companies from 2006 to date, and Mutual Fund Vote Records covering U.S. mutual fund voting records for all institutions filing the SEC form N-PX from the start of the Form N-PX reporting period, July 1, 2003.
Includes the following modules: (1) Company Vote Results US 2003 - 2023; (2) Mutual Fund Vote Records 2003 - 2022; (3) Shareholder Proposals 2006-2023. Access instructions: after connecting to WRDS, select the Data Dashboard option and apply the Category > Marketplace filter. Then choose the ISS ESG data set and scroll down to Voting Analytics. - ISSM via WRDS
- The Institute for the Study of Security Markets (ISSM) database contains tick-by-tick data covering the NYSE and AMEX between 1983 and 1992, and NASDAQ between 1987 and 1992.
- Kalorama Market Research
- Available via Academic. Select “Advanced Search” and search ‘Kalorama’ in the Publisher field.
- Leadership Connect fka Leadership Library
- Online versions of the Leadership directory yellow books: Congressional yellow book, Federal yellow book, State yellow book, Municipal yellow book, Federal regional yellow book, Judicial yellow book, Corporate yellow book and more.
- Lexis Nexis Academic
- See Nexis Uni
- LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database - Cases Table Archive
- The LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) Cases Table is an Excel “database” that contains regression-ready data on all of the more than one-thousand large public companies that have filed bankruptcy cases since October 1, 1979. Coverage includes cases filed under Chapter 7 and Chapter 11, whether filed by the debtors or creditors. Our holdings include monthly updates of the Cases table from February 2021 - December 2022. The BRD is no longer being actively updated after December 2022.
- LSEG Workspace
- LSEG Workspace (fka Refinitiv Workspace) contains market data, company financials and filings, ESG data, earnings estimates, transaction data, analyst research, and more. LSEG Workspace also contains two “apps” that were formerly standalone databases: SDC Platinum and DataStream. View a detailed guide.
1st entry databases m 2 n Top | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-R | S-T | V-Z | Search More
- MarketLine Advantage
- Contains full text market research reports focusing on companies and broad industry sectors: consumer goods, energy, finance, healthcare, and technology. Market analysis and forecasting looks at major issues and threats for each sector with analytical commentary and data.
- Academic
- Includes full-text market research reports on : Consumer Goods, Heavy Industry, Service Industries, the Public Sector, Life Sciences, Technology & Media, and Demographics. Our subscription includes reports from the following publishers: Packaged Facts, Kalorama Information, Simba, Freedonia, and Mind Commerce.
- MarketsandMarkets Knowledge Store
- Provides detailed niche market research reports on current mega trends and industries; including but not limited to: AI, Big Data & Analytics, Blockchain, IoT, Nanotechnology, and Wearables. Covered industries include Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Banking, Agriculture and more.
- Medical information for health consumers including popular information from the National Institutes of Health and other sources on over 600 topics on medical conditions, diseases, and wellness.
- Mergent FISD via WRDS
- The Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) is a comprehensive database of publicly-offered U.S. bonds. FISD contains issue details on over 140,000 corporate, corporate MTN (medium term note), supranational, U.S. Agency, and U.S. Treasury debt securities and includes more than 550 data items. FISD provides details on debt issues and the issuers.
- Mergent Market Atlas - replaces Mergent Online - Spring 2025
- A database of corporate information covering over 50,000 US and foreign public companies, current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information and ratios, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, capital stock, and insider trading. Multiple product modules include Company, Sustainability, Industry, Country and Economic analysis.
- Mergent Online Online Help
- Duke's subscribed modules include: U.S. Company data, International Company data, D&B Private Company
data, and Global Industry Reports. Investext Report access in Mergent Online is ending due to product changes by the provider. Please use the LSEG Workspace AMR add-on to access investment bank company and industry reports.
Contains financial details of over 14,000 active and inactive U.S. public companies listed on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ exchanges. Archival data includes full business descriptions, histories and financial statements for more than 12,000 US companies that were acquired, went bankrupt, liquidated or merged out of existence from 1996 onward. International Company Data - covers over 27,000 non-U.S. active and inactive companies. Archival data includes financial information on 12,000 non-U.S. companies that were acquired, went bankrupt, liquidated or merged from 1995 onward. - Mergers & Acquisitions via SDC Platinum on LSEG Workspace
- Includes detailed data on global M&A activity, joint ventures, and repurchases. Login to Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar, click “New Session” on the left menu. Then select the Mergers & Acquisitions option.
- Mind Commerce Market Research
- Available via Academic. Select “Advanced Search” and search ‘Mind Commerce’ in the Publisher field.
- Mintel Academic (Reports & Trends)
- Adds over 600 market research reports into European, UK-specific and US consumer markets every year. more details ...
- Morningstar Investing Center
- Intended for the individual investor, this database provides Morninstar's detailed financial analysis and performance forecasts of stocks and mutual funds.
- Municipal Bonds via SDC Platinum in Workspace(TM)
- This SDC Platinum sub-module contains data on US and international municipal new issues. Login to LSEG Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar, click “New Session” on the left menu. Then select the Municipal Bonds option.
- New York
- Set Up Guide - All current Duke students, faculty, and staff now have access to the complete New York Times online courtesy of the Duke University Libraries. Users can create an all-access subscription that includes current news and archives, the NYT News App, NYT Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, the Athletic, and over 20 newsletters available to subscribers.
- Nexis Uni
- Provides full text access to a wide range of U.S. and international newspapers, radio and television transcripts. Covers general, business, and legal information sources.
- Nielsen Ad Intel Advertising Data
- includes individual advertising occurrences across the United States (in around 200 designated marketing areas) for a variety of media types, including national TV, local TV, radio, newspaper, and digital. The dataset includes ad impressions for TV and radio and, most recently, social media advertising data. Data coverage begin in 2010.More ... Access is currently available to ONLY the following user groups: tenured and tenure-track faculty, Postdoctoral students, and PhD students.
- Nielsen Consumer Panel Data
- includes longitudinal data beginning in 2004 with annual updates. These data track a panel of 40,000–60,000 US households and their purchases of fast-moving consumer goods from a wide range of retail outlets across all US markets. visit the Nielsen web site to learn More ... Access is currently available to ONLY the following user groups: tenured and tenure-track faculty, Postdoctoral students, and PhD students.
- Nielsen Retail Scanner Data
- consists of weekly pricing, volume, and store environment information generated by point-of-sale systems from more than 90 participating retail chains across all US markets. Data begin in 2006 and include annual updates.visit the Nielsen web site to learn More ... Access is currently available to ONLY the following user groups: tenured and tenure-track faculty, Postdoctoral students, and PhD students.
- Nielsen Scarborough Crosstab Reports
- Nielsen Scarborough Crosstab Reports survey more than 210,000 people 18 years of age and older across the country to capture local consumer trends in large and mid-tier markets. With Nielsen Scarborough, you can examine consumer habits in areas such as: automotive, banking, beverages, internet, grocery, health care, home improvement, media, restaurants, retail, sports, and travel.
1st entry databases o 2 r Top | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-R | S-T | V-Z | Search More
- OECD iLibrary
- Provides access to articles and publications from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since 1998, as well as access to global economic and industrial statistics, databases, indicators, and statistical series.
- OptionMetrics via WRDS
- has historical price and implied volatility data for the US equity and index options markets. With more than six years of data, contains historical prices of options and their associated underlying instruments, correctly calculated implied volatilities, and option sensitivities.
- Provides full year and interim financial information on over 400 million companies worldwide, including industrial companies, banks, and insurance companies. Now includes All Current First Level Shareholders and Subsidiaries. Select Bureau van Dijk after connecting to WRDS. We also suggest reviewing the WRDS Overview of ORBIS after connecting.
- ORBIS - Web
- ORBIS covers over 400 million companies worldwide, with an emphasis on private company information, integrating information held across BvDEP's company information product range. ORBIS provides global standard report formats as well as descriptive information, and company financials, along with news, market research, ratings and country reports, scanned reports, ownership and M&A data.
- ORBIS Bank Focus via WRDS
- Information on public and private banks worldwide. This searchable database includes bank ratings reports, country risk ratings reports, news, and detailed ownership information and bank structures. Select Bureau van Dijk after connecting to WRDS.
- ORBIS Data Extract
- The ORBIS Data Extract is a point-in-time snapshot of the data tables that make up the ORBIS Web database. Financials for industrial companies and ownership data are cumulatively historical. Industrial company financials are available from 1995 to June 2024. Ownership data is available from 2007 to June 2024. Financials for non-industrial companies (banks & insurance companies) and non-financial data for all companies are available for the most recent 10-year period only. The Data are available as tab delimited text files and are updated twice yearly.
- A comprehensive database of listed corporates, banks and insurance companies around the world. In addition to the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow and ratios it contains news, ownership, ratings, earnings estimates and stock data. Contains data on approximately 80,000 companies. Select Bureau van Dijk after connecting to WRDS.
- Packaged Facts Market Research
- Available via Academic. Select “Advanced Search” and search ‘Packaged Facts’ in the Publisher field.
- Passport (from Euromonitor) New Content Added!
- A source of demographic, economic, and marketing statistics and research reports for over 200 countries. Provides volume and value market size data for 330 consumer products across 49 countries. Duke also has access to the following supplementary modules on Passport: Sustainability (new), Industrial, Product Claims & Positioning, Sports, Cannabis & Economies & Consumers.
- Pharmaprojects
- Provides end-to-end tracking of the global pharma R&D pipeline from bench to patient, including company development trends, global development status, and therapeutic class status. Citeline's Pharmaprojects contains 68,000+ drug profiles including 15,000 drugs in active development.
- PitchBook Text & data mining prohibited by license
- Search thousands of private equity and venture capital deals by hundreds of criteria. You can also use PitchBook to establish benchmarks, find real time data on deals, identify and analyze comparables, and search investor details.
- PitchBook via WRDS
- PitchBook data via the WRDS platform provides access to data at scale on companies, deals, and investors across the entire private investment lifecycle with a global focus on private equity and venture capital. Duke's license for PitchBook on WRDS does not permit use for purposes of either commercialization, financial management or development activity by University staff. PitchBook on WRDS may only be used for academic scholarly research or student classwork.
- Preqin via WRDS
- Preqin covers all parts of VC / PE investing: the portfolio firm, the fund, and the investment firm. Over 78,000 portfolio firms are covered. Funds are classified by 8 different fund structures, 27 legal structures, 11 fund strategies, 11 performance metrics, and 49 deal descriptors. Performance metrics can include capital calls, distributions, fund values, investment multiples, and IRRs, among others. Investment firm details consist of fund strategies, sources of capital, general partner position, exit strategies, investment stage, firm size, and ownership details. - description sourced from WRDS
- Preqin Pro
- Preqin Pro provides access to private equity databases covering all aspects of the industry for all fund types, including buyout, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, fund of funds, secondaries, natural resources and others. Preqin products cover fund performance, fundraising, buyout deals, fund manager profiles, fund terms and conditions, as well as institutional investors in private equity. Duke's subscription also includes an ESG data module.
- Private Equity via SDC Platinum in LSEG Workspace
- This SDC Platinum sub-module contains data on exits, fundraising, and investments. Login to LSEG Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar, click “New Session” on the left menu. Then select the Private Equity option.
- PrivCo - Private Company Financial Intelligence
- PrivCo provides detailed business and financial data on major, non-publicly traded corporations, including
family owned, private equity owned, venture backed, and international unlisted companies.
Tip: After connecting to the PrivCo site, click the “Sign Up” button to create an account. You must use your Duke email account to sign up for PrivCo. - ProQuest TDM Studio
- TDM Studio is a data visualization and data analysis (text & data mining) platform that offers users two solutions for working with large corpora (collections of documents) of text data. The “Workbench Dashboard” is a virtual machine data analytics environment; and the “Visualization Dashboard” offers users a point-and-click tool to find content and create data visualizations.
- ProQuest Central
- Search for articles from thousands of scholarly journals
- PsycINFO
- contains more than one million citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and technical reports, all in the field of psychology.
- RavenPack - via WRDS
- RavenPack provides news analytics, including sentiment analysis and event data focused on business and financial applications. Data includes news and social media content, allowing for detailed analysis of financial markets. NOTE: RavenPack does not contain the full text of news articles that can be downloaded for off-line analysis. RavenPack offers proprietary metadata and analytics related to news content. Consider using TDM Studio if you need to conduct your own text analyses of news sources.
- Reference USA
- Name changed to Data Axle.
- Reference USA Historical Business Data - via WRDS
- Provides access to historic business data from 1997-2023. Data may be used to analyze market trends, economic growth, or specific industries. Access categories include Company Name, Geocodes, SIC/NAICS codes, and Census TRACT. After connecting to WRDS, select Get Data > InfoGroup > Infogroup Historical Business (Academic version)
- Reference USA Historical Business Data Files
- The ReferenceUSA historical business data collection provides detailed data on the characteristics of US businesses in operation from 1997 through 2014. Each yearly downloadable datafile has from 78 to 94 variables, including: business name, contact name, phone number, address, state and county FIPS codes, latitude and longitude coordinates, NAICS, SIC, franchise codes, # of employees, and sales volume. (view Complete Variable List) Each annual data file is several gigabytes in size; and will require access to SAS or STATA to manipulate and query the data.
- Refinitiv ESG Data - via WRDS
- ESG Scores from Refinitiv are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company's relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes (emissions, environmental product innovation, human rights, shareholders, etc.) based on publicly-reported data. Data modules include: company screening data (variable reference), company summary data, industry aggregates, category data, driver & outcome data, and board member data. After connecting to WRDS, select Get Data > Thomson/Refinitiv > Refinitiv ESG
- RepRisk Premium - ESG Data via WRDS
- A comprehensive dataset covering the environmental, social, and governance (esg) risks and business conduct of about 180,000 publicly traded companies. Duke subscribes to the “Public Companies with News (Premium Package)” data set option on WRDS. Learn more about RepRisk data ..
- RKMA Market Research Handbooks - Current Editions | Archive Editions
- Market research handbooks downloadable in PDF format covering the following market sectors: Casinos, Gaming & Wagering, Consumer Behavior, Entertainment, Media & Advertising, Healthcare Business, International Consumers, Leisure, Restaurant, Food & Beverage, Retail Business, Sports, Travel & Tourism.
- Russell U.S. Equity Indexes via WRDS
- Duke is subscribed to the Monthly Index Holdings module of the FTSE/Russell U.S. Equity Indexes. This module contains an index constituent file that reports the end-of-day/closing constituents of the index. This includes shares, market value and weightings of the constituents within the index. The data is updated monthly and begins coverage in 1979. Select “FTSE Russell” from the WRDS Data Dashboard after logging in.
1st entry databases s 2 t Top | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-R | S-T | V-Z | Search More
- S&P Capital IQ
- Contains comprehensive fundamental and quantitative company research and analysis.
- S&P Capital IQ Transcripts via WRDS
- Provides access to historical transcript data and trends on 10,600 companies, allowing researchers to track corporate actions and trends from management discussions. Coverage from the early 2000s to date. After connecting to WRDS, select Compustat - Capital IQ / Capital IQ / Transcripts.
- S&P Global ESG Scores via WRDS
- An environmental, social and governance dataset that provides company level, dimension level, and criteria level scores based on the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) process and publicly available sources, allowing research on impact to a company's business value drivers, including growth, profitability, capital efficiency, and risk exposure. After connecting to WRDS, select Get Data / Compustat-Capital IQ / Trucost and S&P Global ESG Scores.
- S&P ExecuComp via WRDS
- ExecuComp is part of the Compustat suite and contains corporate executive compensation data from 1992 - 2003.
- S&P Global NetAdvantage
- S&P Global NetAdvantage is a subset of content available within S&P Capital IQ. It includes S&P Industry Surveys, equity & industry research, mutual fund information, executive and director listings, and CFRA Outlook - a weekly stock and industry newsletter.
- SDC Platinum via LSEG Workspace
- SDC Platinum is an app module within LSEG Workspace that contains the following sub-modules: Global New Issues, Mergers & Acquisitions, Municipal Bonds, Corporate Governance, Infrastructure, and Private Equity. Login to Workspace and enter “SDC” in the app search bar and selected the desired sub-module option. View a detailed guide.
- (WRDS) SEC Analytics Suite
- Allows users to develop tailored datasets from all SEC filings, parsing millions of regulatory reports based on your custom criteria. WRDS SEC Analytics Suite is useful for broad business usage from due diligence and forensic accounting to disclosure research and investment management.
- Simba Market Research
- Available via Academic. Select “Advanced Search” and search ‘Simba’ in the Publisher field.
- Simmons Local Consumer Insights via SimplyAnalytics
- Provides market research data from 2013-2020 for America’s 210 media markets on a local level with 60,000+ data variables, including over 450 categories and 8,000 specific brands. Select “Browse by DataSet > Simmons > SimmonsLOCAL US” from the BROWSE BY: menu at the left after logging into the site. read more information about Simmons Local Consumer insights...
- SimplyAnalytics (fka SimplyMap)
- SimplyAnalytics is a web-based data mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using powerful demographic, business, and marketing data.
- SNL Financial - Web
- SNL Financial is a subset of content within S&P Capital IQ Pro, and provides comprehensive data, news and analytics for public and private companies in banking, financial services, insurance, real estate, energy, and media & communications.
Duke's subscribed content is limited to information on banks and thrifts, credit default swaps, financial services, healthcare, insurance, loan market share, and financial demographic and demand data. - SNL Financial on WRDS
- Multiple data modules are available containing granular regulatory financial data for 16,000+ operating and 29,000+ global historical holding, banks, and credit unions. Use for in-depth data and analytics on banks, insurance companies and non-bank financial institutions. Select Get Data > Compustat - Capital IQ > SNL after connecting to WRDS.
- Statista
- Provides access to downloadable statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.
- Statista Global Consumer Survey
- The Global Consumer Survey module within Statista is based on a global survey of consumers about purchase behavior, media usage and brands. The survey provides data from more than 120,000 consumers, 28 countries, over 50 industries, and over 1400 brands.
- TAQ via WRDS
- The Trade and Quote (TAQ) database contains daily intraday transactions data (trades and quotes) for all
securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as
Nasdaq National Market System (NMS) and SmallCap issues.
Duke's subscribed coverage for TAQ Millisecond Trade and Quote (Daily Product) modules is 2014 - 2024. Our coverage for TAQ Trade and Quote (Monthly Product) is 1993 - 2014. - TDM Studio
- See ProQuest TDM Studio
- Thomson Reuters Insider Filings via WRDS
- Contains 5 datasets that provide long term data on company insider stock and derivative transactions, Form 144 filings, average return data, and an Amendment concordance.
- Thomson Reuters Institutional (13f) Holdings via WRDS
- contains over 36 million data observations on the common stock holdings and transactions of over 4,300 institutional money management (and mutual fund) companies.
- Thomson Reuters Mutual Fund Holdings via WRDS
- provides long term data on securities holdings by mutual funds.
- Trucost Climate Analytics via WRDS
- Through company-level analysis, assess exposure to seven climate-change physical risk indicators, analyze exposure to carbon pricing risk under different future climate change scenarios and evaluate alignment with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees C from pre-industrial levels. After connecting to WRDS, select Get Data > Compustat-Capital IQ > Climate Analytics
- Trucost Environmental via WRDS
- Measure environmental impact across key dimensions for over 15,000 companies to assess environmental costs, identify, and manage environmental and climate risk as well as conduct peer and portfolio analysis from a climate and environmental perspective.After connecting to WRDS, select Get Data > Compustat-Capital IQ > Trucost Environmental
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- Value Line Research Center
- Provides access to the classic Value Line Investment Survey company reports as well as the full text of many other Value Line publications.
- Career Intelligence
- is your primary resource for Vault Guides, Vault Rankings, articles on careers and job-seeking strategies, job postings and more. Due to cost, is only available to Fuqua students.
- The Wall Street Journal Online (
- Ford Library and Goodson Law Library have provided the Duke Community with access to personal accounts on, the online Wall Street Journal. All current Duke University students, faculty, and staff are eligible.
- Wall Street Journal - Digitized Newspaper (fka Wall Street Journal Digital Microfilm)
- Contains a searchable index and full image PDFs of the complete Wall Street Journal newspaper, including advertisements, special sections, graphics, and stock quote pages. Daily issues available from January 2008 to current, minus 60 day publication delay.
- Web of Science (SSCI and SCI)
- Provides access to the Social Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index, and many more indices to journal literature across multiple subject areas. Read more information about web of science ...
- World Bank Data
- open access resource
- Provides a comprehensive selection of economic, social and environmental indicators, drawing on data from the World Bank and more than 30 partner agencies. The database covers more than 900 indicators for 210 economies with data back to 1960.
- WorldCat
- Contains more than 40 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Each record contains library holdings.
- Wharton Research Data Services is a data search portal that provides access to 30 different datasets covering company, industry, capital market, and economic data.
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